
A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar Hallgatói Képviseletének lapja
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"Ifjonti szíve emésztő lánggal ég..."

Jön! Jön! Jön! – A Kreditrendszer


Király Dénes (Dezső)

Tévedések tragikomédiája

Hende Szabolcs Márton (Xabi)

Pondró II.

"Ezúttal a kisfiú az anyjával sétált kézenfogva."


egy érzés, amibe lehet fogódzkodni

Programozók körében elterjedt kifejezések


Guide to safe FAX

Q: Do I have to be married to have safe fax?

A: Although married people fax quite often, there are many single people who fax complete strangers every day.

Q: My parents say they never faxed when they were young and were only allowed to write memos to each other until they became 21. How old do you think kids should be before they fax?

A: Faxing can be performed at any age, once you have learned the correct procedure.

Q: If I fax something to myself, will I go blind?

A: Certainly not, as far we can see.

Q: There is a place on our street where you can go and pay for faxing. Is it legal?

A: Yes... Many people have no other outlet for their fax drives and must pay a "professional" one when their need to fax becomes too great.

Q: Should a cover always be used for faxing?

A: Unless you are really sure of the one you are faxing, a cover should be used to ensure safe fax.

Q: What happens when I incorrectly do the procedure and I fax prematurely?

A: Don't panic. Many people prematurely fax when they haven't faxed for a long time. Just start over, most people won't mind if you try again.

Q: I have a personal and a businnes fax. Can transmissions become mixed up?

A: Being bi-faxual can be confusing but as long as you use a cover with each one, you won't transmit anything you are not supposed to.

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